Jan 18, 2020

Championing Improvement Continually Better Environments with Midtown 311 Community Standards Program

The team for the Midtown Code Red 311 program launched by Vickery Midtown Public Improvement District this spring is working to make your Vickery Midtown community streets, parking lots and all areas better for ALL every day.
The Vickery Midtown Public Improvement District works closely with City of Dallas to advocate for the community and ensure that community needs are reported accurately to the right departments at City Dallas for resolution. Following are some recent updates and successes of the program to date:
Resolutions of excessive parking lot auto repairs in lots on Greenville Avenue.

New pavement of parking lot at Shady Brook and Park.


We are also inspired by the great additions of landscaping and paving coming in with the new Dallas Public Library location, opening in 2021. We are working together on making sure litter blowing in surrounding the construction area is eliminated.
Please keep submitting your requests for support to us at www.vickerymidtown.com/midtown-311, where you can also download a quick-link to your smart phone or computer for quick access!
We will keep you informed on our progress on your behalf.

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