Oct 17, 2020

Census 2020 We All Count! Complete Today to Help Fund Programs

Texas loses $1,578 per year for every resident not counted.
10 questions. 10 minutes or less to complete.
COMPLETE HERE: https://2020census.gov/
Help access money that could help fund school breakfasts, affordable housing, groceries and much more.
You can also complete the Census over the phone, phone lines are
OPEN DAILY from 7 a.m. to 2 a.m. EST.
• English: 844-330-2020
• Spanish: 844-468-2020
• Chinese (Mandarin): 844-391-2020
• Chinese (Cantonese): 844-398-2020
• Vietnamese: 844-461-2020
• Korean: 844-392-2020
• Russian: 844-417-2020
• Arabic: 844-416-2020
• Tagalog: 844-478-2020
• Polish: 844-479-2020
• French: 844-494-2020
• Haitian Creole: 844-477-2020
• Portuguese: 844-474-2020
• Japanese: 844-460-2020
• English (for Puerto Rico residents): 844-418-2020
• Spanish (for Puerto Rico residents): 844-426-2020
• TDD (Telephone Display Device): 844-467-202
Information from the 2020 Census will determine how funding is divided among communities like yours for important programs in education, health care and vital services. Dallas is counting on your participation.
Learn more at www.DallasCensus.com.
City of Dallas, Vickery Midtown Public Improvement District and volunteers from Pallas Companies teaming up to distribute and place posters and signs to get each member of our community to complete the Census 2020.

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